A diary of my newest educational adventure...

Also see Gisele's 2009 COSTA RICA BLOG at

Monday, May 3, 2010

Arrived in San Francisco!

What a hot day.  The weather in PI was beautiful, near 80 and muggy when I left at 2pm.  Boston was also hot and muggy.  The flight from Boston was delayed for "a small leak in one of the left engines."  Great!  This delayed us by one hour because we lost our place in the queue. 

They're housing us at the San Francisco Airport Hilton for the next 4 days.  All of the workshops will be on sight, ending around 8-9PM each night.  On Wednesday, the program ends in the morning and from what I understand, most teachers, except the Japanese who will tour the area for a few days, will be flying back to their home states.  My flight departs at 10PM Wednesday, so I'll have a "bonus" day.

On tap for Monday:  1) joint meeting with Japanese teachers, introductions, etc.,  2) ESD Workshop,  3) Differences in Japan and U.S. Education Systems, 4) Panel discussion on curriculum development, 5) debriefing and presentations by Japanese teachers who have been touring Portland, Minneapolis, and New Haven for the last two weeks.

Will try to post pictures of something(!) tomorrow.  Not much to write up yet.  Time for bed:  almost 1AM here, but it's 4AM by my Maine body clock!

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